Wednesday, September 29, 2004



this link filled in on the template: superfluosity
i think this is a test of the "blog this!" link beside the search button. i thought i knew what it was, but now that i see the editing window, i'm not so sure. ah well, here goes nothin'.


sometimes I wonder

why it is that I can open the pantry to get out a box of cereal, glance
a package of "Hidden Valley Ranch" and perceive it as "Hidden Death Ranch"

Monday, September 27, 2004


proud moments in traffic

This morning, people were clumping together and blocking me from getting
to the wide open roadway just beyond them, you know, with that rolling
blockade thing they do in those interstate delta formations... And being
highly annoyed with the behavior, I exclaimed, "Out of my way, you butt
monkeys!" and immediately felt very proud of myself for having such a
phrase roll off my tongue like that right when I needed it.

Later on during the same commute, some bonehead changed lanes right in
front of me. Well, that's too kind, really. He wasn't QUITE in front of
me and if I hadn't started swerving and slowing down as soon as he
started moving toward me it would have been ugly. So as soon as I
finished swerving and had a hand available I of course hit the horn
(which made its usual puny little "eeep"), flipped the guy off, and
called him an ass hat.

All in all a very good day in traffic epithet-hurling.

Kind of makes you proud to be an American, doesn't it?

Sunday, September 26, 2004



i think i should call this "superblah" instead of superblog... not that
the term superblog is shown anywhere on screen anyway.

further reinforcing the concept of superfluosity. i know, i know,
that's not even a word. the word meaning "state of being superfluous"
(or however it really should be defined) is superfluousness. that extra
u kind freaks me out though. although i suppose i could look into that
domain name if it really seemed important. but it doesn't.


delete this post

or don't, but it's only a test to see if changing the blog-to address
thingy worked...

or maybe it is really just a weak attempt to continue procrastinating
and not do any work today...



OK, so why is it that stuff i sent to my blog at 10:31 showed up sooner
than stuff I sent at 10:27?

well, anyway, at least it got there.

i think in the past hour i've more than doubled my blog content.
unfortunately, now i have to do some work and other unpleasant things
like that.

(pooey) :-P


what other people are saying

no, not about me, or anything related to me.

just some random blogs i came across with the cool little "next blog"

and finally, (i can't read anything
there, but the shirts are outstanding!!)

i hope the links work. i didn't actually try them out in the middle of
nowhere all by themselves yet.


no apathy here!


bloginality test

I thought I was an INTJ based on the "Do What You Are" book. Yes, I actually have the actual book, and even took the tests years ago... but that was way far back and possibly obscured by the mists of time and of course by the fading vision of my aging eyes...

My Bloginality is ISTJ!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2004


life can be annoying

i don't want to be all whiny, but, really, that's what i wanted to start
blogging for... basically, i see my blog as a place to whine without
interruption and without concern for who might read it and get their
feelings hurt. i don't want to be concerned about their feelings before
my feelings. this is my "i need to hash out how *i* feel" place.

so anyway, life can be very annoying.

i'm supposed to be studying, but instead i am doing a pile of work that
other people did previously, but screwed up. these are the people who
are "helping" me so i will be able to take some time to study. part of
that scheme was for me to be off every friday for the next month or so,
but yesterday i worked about 2 hours at home, drove 40 minutes to work,
then worked 5 hours at the office, then brought a big pile of work home
to hack away at over the weekend, which of course i am also supposed to
be using to study.

i don't want this freaking test to become the bane of my existence. i
don't want my job to be the bane of my existence either. actually, lots
of things are competing very strongly to be the bane of my existence. i
wonder, can a person have multiple banes of existence?

i think i can, and i think i am closing in on perfecting the technique.

Monday, September 20, 2004


the traditional blogsend test

not to be outdone of course

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


the traditional test post

ok, so i'm new to this thing and i have to do the traditional test post to my new blog which is intended to inhabit

let's see if it worked.

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